Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let's Get Started!

Okay family...I am totally new at this, so let's see if we can make this work! My goal is to create a place where we can all post exciting news, pictures, upcoming events, etc. that we can all check every once in a while and add to! I don't know how to do it yet...but I am determined to learn! I don't know if we all need a pass word or how each one of you can add to the blog, but I'll look into it!


shannon said...

VERY nice job kith!!! Thank you for puting this together for us. Tell Kaitlyn that she really has 3 choices for college-BYU Idaho, BYU Provo or my fav BYU Hawaii. Later this afternoon I have a funny video to add to this site-as soon as I can figure out how to do it. :)

You are awsome!

suzy said...

As soon as I can figure out how to add stuff I will too. Thanks for starting the blog.

Grizz said...

We might need a crash course in how to do this. Or just a couple hours of no interuptions. It looks great.
Thanks again.

Grizz said...

So when it says Dan it is really Lisa